Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Engagments are Awesome

I know everyone says engagement is the worst part of a relationship, but I have really enjoyed mine. It has been wonderful to have this time to plan out school, work, kids, and our first home (Not everyone has time to build their furniture during their engagement!) And I am so glad that we've had some time to visit our hometowns and get to know one another's families better.

Really, it is the growth of the relationships we have with our families that has been so wonderful. I love my family so much, and it makes me so happy to see Chris coming to love them, too. Yesterday, I spent several hours at Ruth's helping her make another Christmas blanket for Evelyn. Evelyn was smiling and gurgling to herself, and we were drinking hot chocolate, planning the blanket, talking about the utensil organizer Chris built Ruth for her birthday, and the mantlepiece Chris and Jordan are planning on building together when we get back. About halfway through making the blanket (We had just finished all of the seams, and were getting ready to turn it right side-out) We realized that we had sewed one of the right sides in, and we had to rip out every single perfect seam that Ruth had sewed. We laughed at our mistake and sat down to pull out the seams. Sitting there, picking at the stitches, laughing with my sister, I felt so happy and so grateful.

I love being part of a family. I love the feeling that everyone is working together and loving each other. We have had so many people helping us get ready for our marriage...Our parents have planned open houses and receptions, Ruth, Mary Beth, and Elise are throwing me a bridal shower (I got the invite yesterday, and it is beautiful!). Chris' grandfather agreed to seal us in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. Rachael has talked to me about birth control options and given me awesome advice. Elise took me to pick out my wedding shoes, have my dress fitted, and a veil made. Allison spent 10 hours taking our engagement photos, and more time editing them, Owen and Eva signed for our reception venue (and got as a significant discount), and Susan is throwing me a bridal shower for all of my family...there has been so much love, help, support, and fantastic advice.

But I don't think anyone has put more time and thought into planning everything than Ruth. Seriously, I think she has been more involved than me. She found me a hair and makeup stylist, set up the appointment, and even paid for it. She helped me choose invitations, even took me to the post office to mail them and spent about an hour putting all of the stamps on. She and Elise took me to pick out my wedding dress. She picked the Springville Art Museum for the reception. She has helped plan centerpieces, food, and even the wedding cake. She has advised me on my nails, my registry, my photos, everything. She even helped me find a good OBGYN, took me to my first appointment, and to breakfast afterwards. I have no idea what I would be doing right now without her. I am so grateful for her help. But mostly, I am so grateful that she and Jordan have made such an effort to make Chris feel like part of the family--they have hosted dinners, asked him for help and advice in things like construction, areas he is confident and has experience in, and even has us babysit.

I have loved my engagement so much, because it has been such a time of growth. I have seen my love for Chris grow, and his love for me--and our love for our own families and one another's. I am so excited to fly to Iowa tomorrow with Chris and spend some time with his family--I know his mom has been working so hard to make our open house there beautiful. I am so excited to take Chris around in Portage, and show him the town I grew up in. I'm excited for him to meet my sister Rachael's family, and for our parents to finally meet and get to know each other. I'm so excited for the open house in Michigan--I am excited for the fantastic food, family, and friends to all be together.

This Christmas season is going to be fantastic.Our whole families will be together. People are flying and driving from all over to come to our wedding and show their support and love. I never knew how many people loved me and cared about me and Chris, until this year. I am so so so grateful for our wonderful families. I love mine and his so much, and I am so excited to start a family with Chris, and bring everyone together into one.