Friday, October 26, 2012

Crafty Crafty Crafty!!

I have been feeling very crafty lately. I want to build and sew and invent every single thing that goes into our house!! Chris got me started on it with the whole "hey let's build our own dining room table" thing...and it turned out absolutely beautiful! It's a rich, dark wood with beautiful graining and knots...and it has carved leaves and vines around the edges. I've never seen such a pretty breakfast bar. (pictures to follow!)

Now, whenever I say, "Oh, we probably need a bookcase" or, "let's get some side tables" or, "we will probably want a headboard or something sometime", Chris says, "Okay, I'll build it for you, just tell me how you want it." ...and it's starting to rub off on me. I found a duvet cover at pottery barn that I LOVE, but it is 500 dollars. ...and THEN I found a pattern online for the EXACT SAME duvet...and the girl who posted it made it to replace her pottery barn duvet, and spent about 50 bucks on materials. Hello, future ginormous sewing project that will look exactly how I want it to and be super fun and save us tons of money!!

I've decided to wait to make it until my schedule is a little more open--besides, Chris and I still have to stain the stools to match our table, and paint some Christmas decorations. (We found some awesome Santas at Michaels, and decided they would be fun to paint. We also found a nativity set that you can paint--so so so tempting!!)

Anyway, we have become very projecty people. It was so fun building that table. I used a chop saw and a nail gun for the first time--it was so fun! ...and we helped Chris' friend do some construction in the basement. He is dividing the basement into 3 rooms, and we built and put up the frames or studs or whatever...anyway, it involved a lot of chopping and nailing and banging things into place. It was cool to see the rooms take shape. I'm really glad I am marrying someone that is so handy--I'm pretty sure if I handed him a picture of a house I wanted, he would hire a plumber and electrician, and build it himself. (I sincerely doubt that will ever happen, but I do know that if we ever decide to rennovate, we will do it ourselves.)

So, right now, we have a big list of projects:

Done: Table
Next: stain 2 stools. paint santas
Future: sew duvet cover, shams, bed skirt, and throw pillows for bed and couches. Build bookcase, build shelves for closet, build side tables, build bed, and any other wooden furniture we decide we want. Paint living room fern green, paint bedroom dusky blue.

I love having projects. It is so much fun to create, especially with Chris--he gets so excited!! ...and it is so satisfying to look at something and know that we made it together, and it is ours, and it is beautiful. I look forward to a lifetime of creating beautiful things with Chris. crafts and stuff. not children. well, not for a while, at least/



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